Wednesday, May 29, 2019


A prince or a pauper, a god or a man
Born! Every moment running to the end
No respite, no break, no pauses for breath
Come what may, its final bed is death.

  - ashay (29th may 2019, 0028 hours)

Tuesday, April 9, 2019


There was once a homely house
Adorned with gold and gay
Whose luscious greens would always rouse
All minds on it that lay

A shadow has been lurking and
Awaiting for its prey
Smile and sleep has turned to sand
Slipping through their grasp away

It's all blues and grays since days
Since all the green went dry
When stigma won, in parting ways,
And the light had said goodbye!

- ashay(9th April 2019 0040 hours)