Friday, January 13, 2023

A day in the life of

"Dad, when are you going to quit smoking?", asked the child. "Soon sweetheart", he said. The man in mid 30s closed his laptop after a busy day's work and looked at the child, his eyes glistening with endearment. "Sometimes your old man needs to relax", he said. He'd always been upfront with Rudhvi. "Maybe if you'll see enough trauma in your life, you'll understand why people smoke and drink", he said apprehensively thinking back at his old life. He took the child on his lap and pondered how her life is going to change soon.

The phone rang and his train of thought derailed. "Hello!", a heavy voice said, "I want to let you know that your child is going to be kidnapped today. They know where you live. From one father to another, stay safe". The phone cut. The man's anxious heart dropped. Wondering if it was one of his old acquaintances, he hugged the child tightly imagining what he'd do if he lost her. His brain was now racing to think who the man was. His voice sounded familiar but he couldn't quite recognise it.

He called his ex-wife and asked if he could bring Rudhvi over, his voice sounded tense. He put on his coat and left with the child. The night was cold. The child looked at her dad wondering why he was tense. "You look worried daddy", said the child. "Everything's fine sweetheart, you'll be staying with your mommy tonight". She looked happy. They had divorced a year ago and he had won the child's custody. Her drunk and erratic behaviour had finally caught up on him.

"Hope your stay at rehab was comfortable", the man said. Arriving at his ex-wife's house, he put the child to bed. "It was anything but comfortable. But I found Dave there so all in all, thanks to you for sending me there". Dave was her boyfriend, the head of the city's AA chapter. He was a stand up guy and somehow Ashay liked him. "Where is Dave?", he asked. "He is upstairs sleeping", she said.

He wanted to leave at that point but he heard the child cry and went upstairs to check up on her. But she wasn't in her bed. He called her name but no reply. Dave's room door was ajar. He looked inside but Dave wasn't in his bed either. His heart sank. He had a habit of going into a downward spiral when something negative happened. Panicking, He went downstairs but couldn't find his ex-wife either. The whole house was empty. He pondered if the caller was Dave and they had plotted her kidnapping. His thoughts racing, he ran out. Their car was in the garage. They couldn't have gone far, he thought. He ran on the road in blistering cold without his coat wishing he hadn't left his house. There was no sign of them.

He called up his friend and asked if he could come over to her place. "It's urgent!", he said as a matter of factly. His voice quivering, still coming to his senses, he drove his car and ran over every red light. His head had begun to throb. His migraines had started 3 years ago around the time Rudhvi was born. At the beginning his head would fill up with static noises and then gradually, he started to hear a faint voice intermittently. "You have schizophrenia", his shrink had said.

He reached her home around midnight. It was a full moon. He rang the bell. A young lady in her early 20s opened the door. She hugged him, kissed his cheeks and asked him to come inside. "Long time no see", she said smiling. "I missed you". His mind still hadn't come to senses and he ignored her. "Do you have aspirin?", he asked. "Top shelf in the bathroom!", she said. He pushed her aside and went to the bathroom, looked for aspirin and swallowed a few hoping it'd take the edge off his throbbing head. "What's wrong?", she sensed his anguish, now looking worried.

"Rudhvi's been kidnapped!", he said, his thoughts still racing to find his next option at hand. She looked dazed. He explained to her, quivering. "I think we need to call the police", he said as the situation started to dawn on him. He took a pack of smokes out of his pocket and lit one. He offered her one but she declined. Cigarettes would usually calm him down but this time they didn't. He asked her to get her coat but she stopped him. She asked him to come upstairs. "This is hardly the time for that", he said. She ignored him. She guided him to a room that he'd always found locked. "I normally would not let anyone in this room", she said. "I haven't been completely honest with you. I am a psychic". "What the hell are you talking about, we are pressed for time. We need to leave", he said, now starting to lose patience. He was dumbfounded wondering how this was any helpful at all. He'd known her since childhood. They were next door neighbours and practically spent all the time together. She had moved out after her father was KIA in Iraq war. They had lost all contact but years later she was able to find him somehow.

The room was dimly lit with a faint smell of sandalwood. It was filled with candles and an oddly shaped drawing in the middle of the room which he realised was a pentagram. "There is something you should know about Rudhvi. She is a telepath. I first noticed this when you complained of hearing static noises in your head. I was able to trace the voices to her. That's when I realised she wasn't a normal child. You don't have schizophrenia, Ashay". Dazed, He just looked at her as if she was blabbering nonsense. "Trust me, I know what I am doing", she said. "Tonight's a full moon. I will be able to channel my energy through you to find her."

She guided him to the pentagram. She looked at the clock apprehensively. They both stood close together, her breathing shallow and heart fluttering. As soon as he stood there, He was transported to his old house. He was standing on the porch waving goodbye to his closest friend. Tanvi crying through the car's window, she muttered something and closed her eyes ready to bid goodbye to the love of her life. He felt a surge of energy pass through him and was transported to another place. This time a dark moonlit alley. He realised it to be the fort on the outskirts of the city. On the edge of the alley stood a dark hooded figure and a woman whispering to each other. He tried to get closer without them noticing him. Their voices were faint and undecipherable. The moonlight shone on her face and he realised it to be Tanvi. Unable to make sense of the situation, he called out to Tanvi. The hooded figure looked back and he felt a sharp sting in his head. Writhing in pain, he tried to come back to his senses but felt petrified and paralysed. The hooded figure started approaching him. No sooner did he reach near him, he felt a sharp pull and was transported back to the room. Panting, he collapsed onto the floor. "Did you find her?", she asked, now worried.

Out of breath, he tried to get up and suddenly remembered that the figure was talking to Tanvi. Still panting, He immediately stood up. "Who was that man?", he confronted her. "The hooded figure, why were you talking to him? Does he have Rudhvi? Tell me now!", he said, panicking. She stood silent realising she's been compromised. It started to dawn on him that his friend may be involved in this. He immediately rushed to leave the house but she stopped him. "Listen", she said. "Please listen! I am not the enemy. I am trying to help you". She looked at the clock again. Apprehensive, she closed the door behind him just as he was trying to get out of the room. No sooner did he open the door, the bell rang. Her face lit up.

Concerned, he looked at her. The bell rang again. She stood transfixed. He went downstairs and opened the door. There was no one there. He went to the driveway and saw a hooded figure walking down the road. He shouted but got no response. He went inside and called Tanvi forgetting about his dilemma. "Who was there?", she asked. "No one!", he said. She seemed visibly upset. He rushed to his car. "Get in!", he said.

They started to drive, frantically trying to find that hooded figure. They had lost him. Realising again, he confronted her about the hooded figure. She denied ever meeting him and stuck to her story. Lies!, he thought. He decided to visit the old fort but she advised against it saying it's too late and wild animals roam around the fort at night.

Driving down the deserted road just after midnight, he realised he can't wait for the sunrise. His daughter's life was in danger. He started driving in the direction of the fort. An hour passed by when Tanvi realised a car was following them dead in the middle of the night. She didn't mention this to him but kept a tab on the car.

They reached the fort late at night, still a few hours to sunrise. The other car had stopped a block down the road. He still hadn't realised there was a car following him. Tanvi looked at the parked car and nodded.

They started running toward the alleyway that he saw in the trance. No sooner did he reach the end, a rotten stench wafted through the air and pierced his nostril. There's a dead body nearby, he said to Tanvi. He was now imagining the worst. The alley opened onto the ground. He could see someone sitting at the end of the ground and a figure standing next to it. He started walking toward the figure. The moonlight shone on their faces but it wasn't enough to illuminate them.

He edged closer and saw Dave's face all bloodied up. His hands were tied behind his back and he had a noose hung around his neck. Next to him, He finally found Rudhvi, sitting quietly on a chair. She didn't look at him approaching. He immediately rushed to her, got down on her knees to her eye level and tried talking to her. She wasn't reacting at all like she was in a trance. Tanvi was standing right behind him. He looked at Tanvi with hopeful eyes hoping she could help her. Tanvi didn't budge.

"She's hypnotised", Tanvi said finally. "Let me see if I can help her". She got down and put her hand on Rudhvi's head and closed her eyes. She felt an eerie sense of impending doom crawl over her. After a few moments, Rudhvi woke up. Her eyes though blurry, saw her father and immediately rushed to hug him. "Daddy, daddy, it's mommy. She tried to take me but Dave saved me, daddy!"

Before he could make sense of her words, she exclaimed, "Daddy look, it's mommy!". The hooded figure was walking toward them. A sharp sting ran through his head and he fell down on the ground. "Be careful, Ashay. She's a witch", said Tanvi. Yes, she's a bitch, he thought. Neither he nor Tanvi could move. The figure moved closer, pulled a knife out of her satchel and stabbed Tanvi. No!, Ashay screamed but felt helpless.

"Your job here is done, dear. I will keep my promise once I am done here", the figure said to Tanvi. She writhed in pain and fell on the ground, blood spewing out of her stomach. The figure inched closer to Ashay, knife still in her hand, cleaned the blood on his coat. "Are you going to kill me too?", he asked nonchalantly. "Nonsense!", she said. "You are the key to my powers. I need you alive", for the time being, she thought. The moonlight now shone on her face, she looked tired. "Why did you kidnap Rudhvi?", he asked. "To get to you, of course!", she said. "You could've killed me at your home", he said. "Of course I could've! But you see the spell only works under moonlight. Besides, our precious little daughter needs to awaken her powers. Tonight, she'll become a witch". Rudhvi was petrified, unable to say anything. Her thoughts echoing in Ashay's mind. Not now!, he thought as his migraine started again. The figure inched closer to Rudhvi, picked her up and put her on the pentagram. "Don't you dare touch my daughter", he screamed.

The figure put her hand on Rudhvi's head and started reciting the spell. The figure screamed as pain rushed through her body. Her mind went blank as they started to rise up above the ground. Jets of lightning engulfed them as the figure finally let go of Rudhvi and they both fell on the ground. Rudhvi's eyes turned blood red as she squirmed on the ground. Ashay rushed to her help but couldn't reach her as the lightning engulfed them both.

As the effects of the spell subsided, there was silence throughout the fort. Soon, the figure rose, her eyes blood red, she pulled Rudhvi up and looked into her eyes. The spell has worked! she thought. Rudhvi, still in a trance, could only stand with support. As she let go of Rudhvi, Ashay jumped to catch her. "What have you done to my daughter?", he said. She ignored him. Rudhvi woke up, crying, and hugged her father. It's ok, sweetheart, he assured her as he pulled her up and started falling back. Feeling weak, the figure now mad with power, inched closer to Dave, took out her knife, slit his throat and drank his blood. And now for dessert, she said, starting to walk toward Ashay, took out the knife and put it right on his neck. "With your blood and Rudhvi's power, I can get my revenge", she said.

Suddenly, a shot rang through the fort. Blood gushed through the figure and she fell down. A silhouette was visible at the entrance of the ground. Ashay couldn't quite make out who it was but he had just saved their life. Making sure the figure was dead, he checked her pulse. There was none. Relieved, he picked Rudhvi from the ground and started walking toward Tanvi. The man was nowhere to be seen.

He checked her pulse. It was faint. She's alive, he thought. He picked her up, looked at Dave, thanked him and started walking toward the entrance. He got into the car and drove to Tanvi's house. No time to waste, he thought as he called the police. The paramedics had arrived by the time they reached her house.

He drove behind the ambulance to the hospital. They were waiting by the operation theatre when a man approached him. He was wearing a face mask. He handed over a note and left. It was a QR code. He didn't get a chance to ask the man. He disappeared as quickly as he had appeared. He scanned and it showed a location. Uncertain, he decided not to visit the place. It was early morning and he needed to tend to Rudhvi.

They went home, he put her to bed. He lit a cigarette and thought pensively over the events of the night. He was grateful to the unknown man who had come to their rescue. He left a message to his manager for a day off. Tired, he went to sleep as soon as he hit the bed.

He woke up to the ring of his mobile. It was Tanvi. She'd been discharged and asked him to come pick her up. As he was getting ready, he saw the note. He grabbed his coat and decided to visit the place first. The sun was setting. Almost time to close the laptop, he thought. The location was a few minute's drive away. When he reached the place, it was deserted. Alone stood an old dilapidated house. He looked at the map, he was right at the destination. Doubtful, he approached the house and rang the bell. No answer, he rang again. The door wasn't locked so he went in. As soon as he stepped in, he felt a sharp sting in his head. His head was filled with Rudhvi's voice. "Daddy, don't go in!", she said. "The evil man lives there". Too late, the door closed behind him. It was dark in the house. He turned his mobile's torch. He had just made his way to the living room when the telephone at the house rang. He went to receive the call but there was no response. He found a letter near the phone. It read, "If you want to see your daughter again, call your home and say I want to let you know that your child is going to be kidnapped today. They know where you live. From one father to another, stay safe".

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